Meet The Team

Our team of talented professionals are dedicated to ensuring that every experience you have with Cara is the best possible.

All are experienced and dedicated experts who strive to uphold our family beliefs and they have a continuous improvement attitude. We’re incredibly proud of the people that make this business what it is.

Read through the profiles below and discover more about the Cara team and come and see us all soon.

Meet The Team - Cara Motorhomes Ltd


General Manager

John has been with the company since October 2017 as General Manager. His background is motor trade at various new and used car dealerships, motor sport with 2 World Rally Championship teams, and 10 years with a high street bank. He is married to Kay and they live locally with their dog Lola, and when he is not working takes part in sim-racing. The kids are all grown up and left the nest, but the grandkids keep them busy and poor.

Meet The Team - Cara Motorhomes Ltd



Stuart has been with Cara almost right from the start in the UK, and is our resident motorhome and caravan habitation expert. If there is anything that’s possible to fit into or onto a motorhome or caravan, no matter how difficult, Stuart can do it. Having an extremely personal high standard and pride in his work, he ensures that all the work going on in the workshop is to his standard or beyond.

Paul - Cara Motorhomes Ltd



Paul joined Cara early 2018, but soon became a key member having worked many years in the workshop of a local garage and working on his own and customer’s caravans and motorhomes. He enjoys as many weekends as possible away in his caravan, and is Cara’s resident mechanical expert.

Kay - Cara Motorhomes Ltd



Kay joined in August 2018 as the company’s administrator after many years working in administration within the NHS. If being married to John is not enough for her to have to cope with, she also has 4 grandchildren and a dog, as well as keeping all the team here on their toes and organised.

Rick - Cara Motorhomes Ltd



Rick joined Cara in 2020, and works alongside Stuart and Paul in the workshop. Having worked with Stuart previously, he has also worked on motorhomes at his previous employer for many years and is a great addition to the team with many years’ experience in fitting motorhome tow bars and air suspension.

Kevin - Cara Motorhomes Ltd


Valetor & Handover Specialist

While Kevin only joined Cara in 2023, he settled in very quickly and is a key part of the team. He is responsible for all the vehicle handovers and presentation of them on site.

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Sales Executive

Leah joined Cara in July 2024. Her background is in sales and is used to delivering a high level of customer service. Leah has a real passion for photography and videography, and as you will see from the website and our social media channels that she is very accomplished. She has already added such a lot to the business, and has settled in well with all the time from the outset. Next time you are here, come and say hi.
P.S. She makes a great cup of coffee or tea

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Grandson and Sales Support

Caiden is John & Kay’s grandson. When he comes to stay with them at the weekend he often comes to Cara and helps his Nan, Grandad and Leah out when it’s really busy on a Saturday. You’ll often see him sorting parts out with his Nanna, helping Leah record some videos and taking photos and helping his Grandad making sure the motorhomes are looking good.

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Diva Dog

Lola can be found most of the time in John’s office helping things run nice and smooth, that is when she is not asleep on her sofa. She’s not spoilt at all, honestly…